Round Trip is a single level puzzlescript game made for the Confounding Calendar.


Arrow keys / WASD   -   Move

X - Interact

Z - Undo

R - Restart

Made with Pattern:Script by ClementSparrow, a fork of increpare's PuzzleScript.

Huge thanks to the playtesters: galactical, fiannen, Ryan Berry, Frycandle, Beekie, Enezio Filho, Volian0, Tanner07

Thanks to xxuurruuii, Karoo, Teal Knight and 空气新人 for finding the cheese of the final puzzle.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
AuthorLe Slo
Made withPuzzleScript
TagsDifficult, Minimalist, Mystery, PuzzleScript, Top-Down, Top Down Adventure
Average sessionAbout an hour


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(2 edits)

Originally I was one step away from solving the final puzzle for a long time and was asking for a tip here, but I have pushed through and wow isn't it satisfying! Really elegant puzzle, another masterpiece from Le Slo!

Frustrating in the best way. I just can't wrap my head around the last puzzle!

(rot13 spoilers welcome)

The final puzzle is a completely different beast than the rest, I won't go into details but here's the general thought process I went through, expressed as hints:

1: Pbafvqre lbhe tbny: Znxvat vg gb gur rkvg jvgu gur negvsnpg. Jung'f gur svany fgrc?

2: Gur negvsnpg arrqf gb gryrcbeg ng gur fnzr gvzr nf lbhe cynlre punenpgre. Ubj pna lbh znxr guvf fvghngvba unccra?

3: Lbh arrq nabgure jnl gb gevttre gur gryrcbegre jvgu "." flzoby.

4: Lbh arrq gb erpbafvqre rirel cneg bs gur yriry gb svaq n jnl gb qb guvf, fgnegvat sebz gur evtug fvqr bs gur svany ebbz.

5: Lbh arrq gb gevttre n punva bs gryrcbegngvbaf gb ernpu gur tbny, guhf, rirel cneg bs gur yriry vf vzcbegnag va guvf arj pbagrkg.

I won't go into any more details for now, but this should be a very strong start to solve the final puzzle, if you still want to do it yourself, that is. Good luck!

continuum compromised

I found a softlock.
Vs lbh qhcyvpngr gur negvsnpg, naq bar bs gur qhcyvpngr gryrcbegf vafvqr gur jnyy, gur negvsnpg qvfnccrnef naq vafgrnq bs trggvat gur pbagvahhz pbzcebzvfrq guvatl, lbh whfg pna'g zbir nalzber naq gur tnzr fbsgybpxf ( lbh pna bs pbhefr haqb naq erfgneg ohg lbh trg jung n zrna )

rot 13 because spoilers


I like that you can leave and get an ending at different points! It makes me feel better about putting down the puzzle, and acknowledges that I at least made it pretty far. I also like how each ending has its own emotional impact.

Acknowledging the player leaving a puzzle, in a positive way, seems like something that could be added to lots of puzzle games!

I didn't solve what I think is the final puzzle, but I enjoyed getting to where I did, and making it out with a chip of the artifact!


in the top right puzzle, ubj qb lbh trg obgu gryrcbegref bss gur jnyy?


I'm not sure how to hint at this, so here are the steps:

1: cynpr bar bs gur oybpxf ng gur yrsg rqtr bs gur jnyy

2: cynpr gur bgure oybpx arkg gb vg

3: fgrc ba gur ybjre k ohggba, fb bar bs gur oybpxf jnecf nobir lbh

4: chfu vg bhg naq cynpr vg fbzrjurer bcra

5: chfu gur bgure oybpx bagb gur ybjre k ohggba, lbh fubhyq jnec gb bcra fcnpr

6: chfu gur serr oybpx bagb gur hccre k ohggba, lbh pna abj serr obgu oybpxf.

thanks, it was step 3, I was stuck on


Almost there... I can't seem to cross together with the artifact.


I got stuck in the top right.  V znantrq gb zbir gur ebpx bhg bs gur jnl, ohg abj V unir n znpuvar oybpxvat zl cngu...  Anybody got a tip?

Did you znantr gb trg obgu znpuvarf njnl sebz gur fbhgu jnyy?

If so, then gur obhyqre znl or bs hfr.

(1 edit) (+1)

Solved it! I guess my previous solution was the cheese? Regardless, I still feel that it should have been valid, as there's no in-game reason for it not to be (perhaps you could add a message to show that it is intended not to work?), which kinda breaks the player's trust. The intended solution was more satisfying than mine though, so this makes up for that :D

That aside, this was great!


I think I'm faced with a bug.


Gelvat gb trg gur tbyq oybpx gb gur rkvg, V oebhtug na "y" oybpx gb gur ynfg ebbz hfvat gur gjva fjnccvat oybpxf naq frg hc gur "k" oybpxf va fhpu n jnl gung, jura gur fjnccref cerffrq gur ybar k ohggba, gur k oybpxf jbhyq qhzc n obhyqre ba na y ohggba, juvpu jbhyq fjnc fnvq obhyqre jvgu gur tbyq oybpx, nyybjvat zr gb fgber vg naq riraghnyyl fcvg vg onpx bhg ng gur rkvg nsgre univat hfrq gur fjnccref gb zbir gur y oybpx gurer, va gung pbairavrag abbx.

Ceboyrz: gur y oybpx jba'g jnec gur tbyq oybpx. V unir grfgrq zl cyna hfvat gur "qbg" oybpx naq vg jbexrq nf rkcrpgrq. Obgu gur qbg oybpx naq gur fjnccref ner noyr gb jnec gur tbyq oybpx, fb V qba'g frr jul gur y oybpx fubhyqa'g jbex gbb. Fb, V oryvrir guvf vf n oht.


Oh, sure, it saves your place, but somehow if you go destroying the continuum, you have to restart?  Gee, thanks a lot!

(Seriously loving this.  Now to not destroy the continuum.)


Excellent work Le Slo, cool cover art too!